Empire Power and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall

Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 107

Ukraine, Central Banks & Financial Markets

Starting with a discussion on Ukraine’s IMF bailout and the reorganization of its central bank, this episode looks at the issue of financial warfare, waged by financial markets and central banks, as well as central banking ideology, inflation and other issues related to the dominance and functions of the global monetary and financial system.
Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):


Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 105

Anarchy, Socialism and Free Markets

In this rant of Empire, Power and People, I try to begin a discussion on the subject of anarchism: beginning with discussing some fundamental principles of anarchist thought in questioning and legitimacy of all power structures. From there, ideas of socialism and free market “libertarianism” are discussed and critiqued. If one follows the logical train of thought behind both socialist and free market ideologies, the middle-ground between the two is Anarchy. It is there that the future of humanity “may” rest.

Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 104

Ukraine Stuck in the Middle

The current crisis in Ukraine is the result of a long struggle for regional hegemony between the West and Russia, which was in fact largely prompted by the European Union’s aggressive negotiating strategies. With an internal coup, moves for Crimean secession, fascists in power and in the streets, growing tensions between West and East, threat of war and economic depression, Ukraine is stuck in the middle of a great power game.
Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):

Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 100

Domingo Cavallo, Argentina & the Tyranny of Financial Markets

Meet Domingo Cavallo, the financial destroyer of Argentina. This – the 100th episode of Empire, Power and People – examines the role of Cavallo in managing the neoliberal restructuring of Argentina which led directly to the dramatic crisis the country faced in 2001. Through this case example, Argentina reveals the reality – and the faith-based tyranny – of financial markets, which has only since become more powerful, and more destructive.

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers only):

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 97

Consulting for Oligarchs

What is a global consulting firm? What are the most influential firms, and what is it that they do? Consulting firms work for clients that include governments, banks, corporations, international organizations and think tanks. Taking the example of one such prominent institution – the Group of Thirty – we can see that consulting firms have a prominent role in doing the research and thus, shaping the minds of those who shape the world.

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers only):