Elon Musk

Identity Verification or Data Exposure? Twitter Using Israeli Tech Firm Headed by Ex-Military Officials to Verify Users

Jessica Buxbaum investigates the partnership between X and an Israeli tech company run by former intelligence officials, highlighting its potential impact on surveillance, censorship, and digital rights.
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RFK Jr. and Elon Musk Converse for Over an Hour: Highlights

Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) (See important UPDATE at the end.) The conversation was followed briefly by inputs from Tulsi Gabbard. The conversation covered their differences, as well as their areas of agreement, and was stunningly frank, as I have found all interviews of RFK Jr. to be. Musk is cagier, but parts of his […]

Joe Biden Wanted to Escalate to WW III but Elon Musk Said No.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) An article from CNN that’s based upon Walter Isaacson’s upcoming new bio, Elon Musk, says that Musk turned down the insistence from the governments of America and Ukraine to enable them to possibly destroy Russia’s largest naval base, which is in the Crimean region of Russia — a naval base […]