Elon Musk

Human-Animal Hybrids – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

The latest news and nonsense covered by the Boiler Room Crew. We cover the Purrrge, animal human hybrids, Elon’s space weedz and yacht, and more! Join the Social Rejects Club for another round table edition of BOILER ROOM on Alternate Current Radio! This episode has BOILER ROOM hosts, Hesher & Spore, along with Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw (on the web – on YouTube) and Randy J joining up to discuss the train wreck that is the news, politics, science, technology, transhumanism, technocracy, culture war, Hollywood and more.

Uncle the Podcast #133 Pearse Redmond interview, Swords of Columbus on the Streets of Orange California

From UncleThePodcast.com
Uncle welcomes back Pearse Redmond to the broadcast. The ancient conflict between Freemasons and the Knights of Columbus is discussed after Uncle retells his story of being questioned by the police for carrying his ceremonial sword in public. If that isn’t street cred to win over the proprietor of the local sword shop then what is?