Elon Musk

Starlink : Elon Musk dans le viseur de La France insoumise

Un duel inattendu qui se joue en réalité au-dessus de nos têtes. Les 17 députés du groupe parlementaire ont déposé un amendement pour réclamer un moratoire contre le projet Starlink. Le milliardaire américain Elon Musk souhaite en effet placer plusieurs dizaines de milliers de satellites en orbite autour de la terre. Les précisions de Thomas Bonnet.


History Shows Privatized Space Colonization Will Be Disastrous

Elon Musk and his company SpaceX have become a regular feature in news cycles. SpaceX succeeded in landing a team of astronauts on the International Space Station in November 2020, in partnership with NASA. The next month, the company lost a rocket in an explosion while attempting to land after a test flight. Another rocket […]

Coup-supporting academics spread lies to censor The Grayzone reporting exposing Ecuador’s pseudo-left candidate Yaku Pérez

A group of academics have circulated a lie-filled open letter aimed at censoring The Grayzone’s reporting on Ecuador’s pseudo-progressive candidate Yaku Pérez. Several of its signatories supported the far-right military coup in Bolivia in 2019 and backed Venezuela’s US-appointed proxy Juan Guaidó. A collection of coup-supporting academics are lobbying to censor The Grayzone’s factual journalism exposing Ecuador’s presidential candidate Yaku Pérez.

Putin to Elon Musk, let's talk

Putin to Elon Musk, let’s talk ****News Topic 298***** Kremlin ‘interested’ in conversation with Elon Musk, after SpaceX founder invites Putin for chat on audio-only Clubhouse app Kremlin ‘interested’ in conversation with Elon Musk, after SpaceX founder invites Putin for chat on audio-only Clubhouse app On Sunday afternoon, a tweet from billionaire Elon Musk inviting […]