Elizabeth Warren

Most 2018 DCCC Recruits Are Being Endorsed By The Chamber Of Commerce-- Meet Next Year's Chamber Endorsees

2018 DCCC recruit Jeff Van Drew is honest enough to be running for reelection as a Republican. Other 2018 DCCC recruits are being endorsed by the US Chamber of Commerce. Maybe someone needs to change the DCCC-- drasticallyProgressivePunch has awarded grades of "F" to 108 Democrats in Congress. 35 of them are part of the the most right-wing freshmen class in the history of the modern Democratic Party.

Joe Biden’s acceptance speech was a trip to an alternate Universe [Video]

Joe Biden gave his acceptance speech last night at the Democrat National Convention. It surprised many people on both sides of the political aisle. It was an absolutely strange capstone event to a Convention that gave us a look at some of the most deranged people in America, as well as the heads who wish to rule the United States through their newly minted proxy candidate.

Trump And Republicans In Congress Are Making The Pandemic Worse For Everyone But Their Campaign Donors

Cone of Shame by Nancy OhanianOn the Senate floor yesterday, Elizabeth Warren reminded her colleagues that the country is "just days away from a housing crisis that could be prevented if Mitch McConnell stopped stalling and the Senate act. This is about our health, our economy, and our values. Forcing thousands of people out of their homes during a pandemic will make a public health crisis worse.

Today, Who Is Offering More Value To Society-- The People Harvesting And Distributing Our Food, Or A Hedge Fund Manager?

On Monday, Elizabeth Warren and Ro Khanna jointly rolled out a bicameral call for an Essential Worker Bill of Rights to be included as part of a broad emergency relief package that’s needed to address the public health, economic and democratic crises the country is facing right now. The Essential Worker Bill of R

Obama: "I Feel The Bern." Does Elizabeth Warren?

Elizabeth Warren did miserably Tuesday, even losing her own state-- and keeping Bernie from winning it against Biden! Although as more votes are counted, her total delegates may go up, as of Thursday at midday, he had won a mere 40 delegates bringing her total to just 48-- compared to 511 for Status Quo Joe and 459 for Bernie. As of Wednesday morning, she had won 7 delegates in California, 1 in Colorado, 2 in Maine, 17 in Massachusetts (less than either Biden or Bernie), 10 in Minnesota, 1 in Tennessee and 2 in Virginia.

The Democratic Party Grassroots Dream Ticket: Bernie + Elizabeth

Elizabeth Warren ended her campaign this morning and will hold a press conference later today. Listening to the corporate media since Tuesday, you would think that Bernie was no longer in the running and that the nomination was all sewn up by the Republican wing of the Democratic Party's candidate, Status Quo Joe. That's what the establishment wants you to think. But it just isn't true.

The Democrats’ Narrative Of Gloom Won’t Fly In 2020

Telling people their lives suck is no way to win an election. As James Carville says, they’re losing their damn minds.
The chaos of the primaries, the lack of a clear party vision in the last debate—are Democrats a progressive party, a party of moderates, a plaything for billionaires, or just people sniping each other for virtue points? It is time for concern.