
(Half) Trump, Tragedy & Hope Pt. 8: The Philosophy of Globalism – Conclusion Video

This is the first half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links.  We conclude the Tragedy & Hope lectures with the timely election of Donald Trump which eerily parallels the Goldwater era. The first half of the talk discusses the race and what Trump symbolizes, while the second half for subscribers closes out the final chapters of Dr. Quigley’s monumental tome.

Doctor Strange: Illuminism & Man’s Apotheosis-Jay Dyer on Clyde Lewis

Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis invited me on to discuss the newest Marvel film, Doctor Strange.
“Not since The Matrix has there been a film which treats its audience as initiates into the realms of esoteric programming. This is powerful programming, projecting Illumination into Luciferian magic which has been with us for thousands of years, and, it is why Doctor Strange resonates with its audience. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with esoteric researcher, Jay Dyer about THE APOTHEOSIS OF DOCTOR STRANGE.”

Spirit Cooking the Election Books: Clinton, Trump & Rosemary’s Baby (Vid)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Jamie Hanshaw, author of Operation Culture Creation and Hollywood Mind Control joins Jay Dyer to cover Wikileaks, Spirit Cooking, Abramovic, Hollywood elites, email scandals, cannibalism and two films of import: Poltergeist and Rosemary’s Baby.  We also cover the Manchurian Candidate, MK ULTRA, sex slaves and the Tim Leary-CIA “counter-culture.” 

Occult Wikileaks & the Atlanticist “Illuminati”: Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope w/Tim Kelly

Dr. Carroll Quigley was the mentor for Bill Clinton and thus provides a crucial window into the levers of power behind the Clinton machine and the entire corrupt establishment, throughout the Cold War. This includes the cuckservative GOP, as well as world socialism/communism – all run by the western banking elites, and as exposed in the wikileaks emails blatantly – including the fraud of “democratic voting.”  This was recorded several days ago with Tim Kelly on his podcast, Our Interesting Times.

BOMBSHELL: Top Clinton Wikileaks Exposes Entire ‘Shadow Government’ – Jay Dyer (Vid)

Sick of politics? Well, me too, but this election reveals the deep state and vindicates us “conspiracy theorists” like never before. I give my analysis of what is really going down, from the CFR to drug running.  For more, purchase my book Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film here and subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.