
Mass Media & Snopes Implosion: Vanessa Beeley & Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Patrick Henningsen of 21stCenturyWire.com invited me on the last segment of the Sunday Wire to discuss the faux “skeptic” racket of Snopes and how the supposed neutral “fact-checkers,” as well as the rest of the Michael Shermer crowd, are propagandists.  Before that, Vanessa Beeley joins Patrick to discuss the liberation and celebration of Christmas in Syria.

Vid-Syria, Assassinations, Wikileaks & the West: The Big Plan Exposed – JaysAnalysis (Half)

In this latest installment of JaysAnalysis, I cover the big picture story of Libya, Syria and the post-modern imperial plan to restructure these nations for NATO and the Bilderberg establishment’s pipeline plans. I cover fake news at length in the first free half, and the black markets, as well as deeper connections to wikileaks and Benghazi in the second half.  This is the free half of a full video talk which can be obtained for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year for access to the full JaysAnalysis archives at the PayPal links.

The Book That Deconstructs Hollywood’s Hidden Illuminati Messages – Jay Dyer

Rex invited me back on the Leak Project to discuss Esoteric Hollywood.
“On the forefront of Hollywood Esoterica – Jay has been decoding the symbology and subliminal programming imbedded in many Films and TV shows.
From Age of Ultron to the Shining Mr Dyer’s astute approach toward deciphering codes in Hollywood is unmatched and second to none.”

Vid: Russian Wikileaks Hacking the Election for Trump: Total CIA Nonsense – Jay Dyer (Half)

Really? The professional liars are adding even more outlandish and ridiculous lies in their war on reality and truth. Now, we are to believe the mainstream media’s comedic conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election for Trump. With no evidence whatsoever, the Trotskyite Neo-Con, Neo-liberal CIA wants the Clinton Machine to continue on wrecking other nations for the Thundercunt Cathedral of Power that is Banker-run Washingcunt D.C.

Esoteric Hollywood: CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops Vid (Half)

In this latest installment, I consider the polarizing figure of Fidel Castro in relation to the numerous tales of CIA subterfuge and “assassination attempts,” as well as the larger picture of how the CIA works under the CFR to control Latin America, and thus how Latin American operations are a microcosm of how the rest of the sectors are managed – from the Middle East to Eurasia.  Purchase his books here.

Esoteric Hollywood: Jay w/Tim Kelly – Propaganda Decoded

“Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recently released book Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. We begin by talking about Jay’s concluding lecture in his Tragedy & Hope series and then move on to discuss Hollywood and its role in social engineering and shaping culture. The discussion involves Tinsel Town’s ties to the Occult, intelligence agencies, military and organized crime and the film industry’s role in perception management.