
Economic inequality will become a thing of the past with a wave of the magic wand at the Masters of the Universe World Economic Hoedown in the Alpine Fairyland of Davos,

The Alpine Fairyland of Davos, site of the Mastersof the Universe Annual World Economic Hoedown"[J]ust days after a stunning report was issued by Oxfam saying that the 85 richest people in the world are as wealthy as the poorest half of the global population, or about 3.5 billion people[,] a good chunk of those 85 are likely to be fretting on the slopes about this horrible state of affairs."-- Al Kamen, in his

Are the elites in Pyongyang all that different from those in DC or NYC or most anywhere else?

"Gee, I wish we had one of them Doomsday Machines."-- Gen. Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott)In the U.S. War Room, Soviet ambassador Alexi de Sadesky (Peter Bull) reveals the existence of his country's Doomsday Machine to the American security brain trust, including President Merkin Muffley and technology genius Dr. Strangelove (both Peter Sellers) as well as General Turgidson.

Am I the only one who has been missing nytimes.com's fascinating-looking ongoing conversation on economic inequality, "The Great Divide"?

by KenThis comes of keeping nytimes.com at arm's length, owing to the NYT's totally understandable effort to realize some financial recompense for online consumption of its semi-expensively produced content: I have paid no attention to an online-only series, moderated by that sterling economist Joseph E.