
The rich we will always have with us -- until they bolt to save their hides

Mirror caption: "Hideaway: Rich people are plotting to escape to remote parts of the world" by KenDon't you have to love it when people behave like complete tool-stereotypes?You remember how until, oh, just a couple of weeks ago, "economic inequality" was either a figment of some rabble rousers' imagination or just the perfectly normal way of things in God's universe?

Sports Watch: "Washington Redskins are the victims of top-down organizational dysfunction" (Sally Jenkins)

With UPDATE: Bruce Allen does pay a price!Redskins No. 2 stooge Bruce Allen, the president and GM who has presided over four losing seasons, says he feels "awfully responsible" for the team's dismal 4-12 season. "We're going to make sure that we hold everyone accountable for everything that happened," he says. But himself maybe not so much?"For too long, no one has trusted the basic setup of the [Washington Redskins] organization.

New York City Is Increasingly Becoming A City For Rich Elites, Instead Of Real People

I used to wonder if I was the only person who regretted NYC letting the real estate developers "clean up" Times Square. I miss the seediness and grit, now replaced with the bland anti-reality charmlessness of DisneyWorld. I've seen similar homogenization initiatives ruin interesting and unique corners of the world from Thailand to tiny Essaouira in Morocco.

"Will anyone go to jail for this? No." (Ian Welsh on contamination-by-fracking of drought-stricken California's water supply)

"Clean water is one of California’s most crucial resources, and these documents make it clear that state regulators have utterly failed to protect our water from oil industry pollution. Much more testing is needed to gauge the full extent of water pollution and the threat to public health.

Happy Anniversary, Richard Nixon... And America

Roland and I are spending September watching every episode of Breaking Bad on the wall of his living room. I never watched it before and we just finished sea on one… pretty heavy. Roland says I ain't seen nothing yet. The other thing we're both doing this month is finishing our copies of Rick Perlstein's epic history, The Invisible Bridge.