
Democratic Elites Don’t Want to Hear It, But "Hillary Clinton’s In Trouble"

The famous "Yes We Can" theme, just before its conversion to "No I Won't." Why is this painful to watch? Six years of broken promises and a party-wide TPP cave by its leaders have rebranded Democrats for a generation. by Gaius PubliusTPP and Fast Track may be closing down the show and heading home. We may (or may not) know its fate very soon.

The Difference Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in One Paragraph

Thom Hartmann discussing the Sanders campaign and media silence with Ari Rabin-Havtby Gaius PubliusI have to thank Daily Kos diarist james321 for this find. But first, some setup.I'm certain that Hillary Clinton is a classic "Davos Democrat," a neo-liberal savior of the world for the investor class. Krugman with a definition:

Keeping the world safe from basset hounds, one luxury building at a time

It's easy to ridicule the basset-hound-hating 170 West End Ave. co-op board, but somebody's got to protect the world from these beasts ("renowned," according to the caption for a different Wikipedia photo, "for their gentle, docile demeanor"), don't they?"The whole thing is just ridiculous because, at the end of the day, it's about dog owners being responsible."-- a resident of 170 West End Ave.

Fast Track Will Also Apply to TISA, the "Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About"

An army of lobbyists knocking down the doors of Congress (source; click image for the full effect) by Gaius Publius Fast Track is not just a path to TPP ... it's evil all on its own. There's now another leaked "trade" deal, called TISA, and Fast Track will "fast-track" that one too. Want your municipal water service privatized?

Yes, Virginia, there IS an Alfalfa Club

Okay, so there's an Alfalfa Club -- but no Buckwheat Club, Darla Club, or Spanky Club? (Okay, the Alfalfa Club is now more than 100 years old, so maybe the Little Rascals' Alfalfa isn't actually their namesake.)by KenIt seems like only last Friday that we were saying bye-bye to the 2016 GOP front-runner, Willard Romney. Okay, I guess probably it was last Friday.