
Perfect Control Without Further Fear: A Psychobiography of L. Ron Hubbard

©James L. Kelley 2015
Southern California, circa 1948. A depressed, impotent Navy veteran named L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) angles his shoulders toward a customized high-speed typewriter. His dim, narrow eyes begin to glint as his fingers strike the keys. This, however, will be a new type of writing for Hubbard, who has long-since made his name as a penny-a-word pulp writer…

Esoteric Hollywood: Jay w Richard Grove – Occulted History & Logic

Filmmaker Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope joined me for one of the early episodes of Esoteric Hollywood to discuss the suppression of logic, reason and history in the form of mass education and social engineering.  Richard and I delve deep into 9/11 monetary scams, the history of western intelligence operations and the tremendous influence of the foundations and banksters who, through fell spectrum dominance, are seeking to reorganize societies.  Looking into the history of the CIA and MI6, Richard and I touch on everything from Hollywood to ph

JaysAnalysis Audio: Republic Bk. V – Secrets of the Elite (Half)

In one of the most astounding works of the history of Western Literature, Plato’s Republic Book V details one of the deepest secrets of the elite and how it relates to mathematical mysteries.  In this free half of the audio I touch on one of the deepest secrets in all of political history, and decode its relationship to the mysteries of numerology and the ideational realm of the forms.  This is the free half of the paid lecture subscribers get full access to for $4.95 a month at the PayPal link to the right.

Jay w/Greg Moffitt: Shamans, Demons & Hollywood

Greg Moffitt of Legalise Freedom invited me on to discuss the spiritual realm, the possibility of demons in relation to the fractured and traumatized psyche, ritual occultism and abuse, and the cryptocracy.  How far do the oligarchs take occultism?  Is it just a hoodwink, or are there really entities that can possess an individual?   Is David Rockefeller just a pragmatic atheist?  We take some interesting philosophical twists and turns here, outlining the rat

Esoteric Hollywood: SPECTRE and the Paris Attacks

In this episode of Esoteric Hollywood, I break down the recent Paris attacks purportedly by “ISIS” and the odd connections to the 2015 film SPECTRE.  SPECTRE’s plot involves 007 on the trail of the shadowy international criminal syndicate originally found in the Fleming novels, emerging from SMERSH, Soviet counter-intelligence.  Ominous parallels emerge in SPECTRE, as we learn the syndicate is behind a series of bombings and terror attacks, globally.  Echoing the Charlie Hebdo incidents earlier this year, the connections with SPECTRE appear too close…