
The Liberal American World Order: Prof. Alexander Dugin on JaysAnalysis

Prof. Alexander Dugin is an author, lecturer and former advisor to Vladimir Putin.  He was gracious enough to speak with me in this in-depth philosophical discussion that covers a wide range of topics, including: The origins of modern liberalism in the Enlightenment era, the problems of atomistic individualism, the anti-metaphysical stance of Anglo-saxon and Scottish empiricists, how this philosophy was mirrored in the Calvinist reformers, and the desacralization of Nature in the West.

SCIENTISM PROPAGANDA: H.G. Wells’ Masonic Time Machine

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction propaganda embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.  Wells’ work is both entertaining and important for the course of modern literature, yet also calls for an analysis given the prevalence of propaganda functioning at many levels within the novel. 

Esoteric Hollywood: The Witch, Suspiria & the Devil’s Bitchcraft (Hr. 1)

This is the first free half of the talk, while full interviews and lectures can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis.com at the PayPal link.  Jamie Hanshaw (author of Operation Culture Creation 1 and 2 and Hollywood Mind Control) joins me to break down the esoteric symbols and occult aspects of 5 films: The recent hit The Witch, horror classic Suspiria, Henson’s The Witches, The Devil Rides Out and Disney’s Hocus Pocus.  Fr

JaysAnalysis w/Fr Moody: Orthodox Theology, Roman Catholicism, Thomism & Palamas

This is the free first hour, while the full interview is for paid subscribers.  To hear the full interview, subscribe here for 4.95 a month with access to the archives.   Note: There was a technical issue in terms of sound for the first 20 minutes, but this gets corrected. Fr. Chris Moody is a Greek Orthodox Chaplain for the Army whose scholarly focus is the works of St.