
Jay Dyer with Dr. Gregory Smith: Esoteric Hollywood

Dr. Gregory Smith hosts the 9 pm Saturday evening KABC 790 Los Angeles show, Truth in Medicine, and asked me to come in studio for an interview concerning my forthcoming book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.  Topics covered include: how film has been used by governments, how mass media manipulates and creates narratives to steer the public, and how we can protect ourselves against being propagandized.

Deep State Actors in the Orlando Event: Jay w/Afternoon Commute

John and Myself (Chris) delve into another stellar discussion with preeminent researcher, Jay Dyer. Topics include: The Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting, Psychological Operations, Christina Grimme Murder, Manufactured Terror, The East West Dialectic, Top Secret America, Weaponized Culture, The Gay Agenda, Crisis Actors, Fletcher Prouty’s “Secret Team”, Stagecraft, Perception Management, Limited Hangouts, CIA Chefs, The Rachael Ray Show, Unrealistic Kill Rates, Action Films, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and The Great Manipulator.

Jay Dyer w/Sofia Smallstorm: Occult Metaphysics of Underground Bases (Half)

This is the first free half of a 2 hour interview which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis.com for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal link at my site. Sofia Smallstorm joins me to discuss her work, radiation and human bio-engineering, the Manhattan Project, geoengineering, the recent ceremony celebrating the Alps Tunnel, CERN and the occult metaphysics of the Underworld: The elite obsession with Hades.
Sofia’s site is here.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 2: Golden Bank for International Shakedowns (Half)

This is the first free hour of my talk on Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope where we cover the next few chapters dealing with World War I and the reparations on Germany as a cloak for Global Government by the true “Inner Circle” of Illuminists and a one world order through the BIS, and the lead-up to World War II. For full talks, subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links at my for 4.95 a month or 60.00 a year.
Part 1 of the lecture series is here.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 1: Bankster Revolutions (Half)

It’s time! The first lecture series to cover the entirety of Dr. Carroll Quigley’s immense Tragedy & Hope. Here in part 1 we cover the banksters’ scams leading up to World War I, including gold certificates, how revolutionary ideals of classical liberalism were in fact bankster ideals, how false flags and a planned assassination led to World War I and ultimately who the true “Illuminati” were perpetrating these machinations. A series you won’t want to miss! This is the first half of talk no.

Les vrais résultats de l’Eurovision 2016

Hier se tenait l’édition 2016 du concours de l’Eurovision. Comme d’habitude, les chansons présentées étaient assez médiocres, presque toutes écrites dans le même anglais d’aéroport, et l’événement en soi avait peu d’intérêt. Pourtant, il s’y est passé quelque chose de notable : les peuples et le jury ont voté très différemment, pour des raisons qui semblent politiques.