
Decoding The Most Powerful Mind Control Tool in the World – Jay Dyer

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Leak Project invited me on:
“Esoterica in Hollywood, Subliminal Programming & Conditioning
Did you know that many clandestine agencies and branches of the DoD work within Hollywood? What if television and programing was often designed at the top levels to control your mind and how you think from the subconscious level?
Analysis of the Following Films and TV Series

JaysAnalysis: Japan in the New World Order

Sean from Japan joins me to give his analysis of the recent bizarre news stories of stabbings, and how this may relate to larger geopolitical motives. We cover the history of Japan’s westernization and World War 2, shadow banking and hidden hoards of gold, the relationship of Japanese elites to Korea, the drug trade, black markets, Asian mafias and how these subjects relate to staged news.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope – Part 4: Rothschilds, Central Banks, FDR & the US Imperium

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Picking up where we left off in Part 3, we look at Quigley’s analysis of Germany prior to World War II and the rise of Nazism, the situation in France with the dominance of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish banking houses, and how Rothschild came out on top. We also look at how all three of these colluded to establish a fake front known as the Bank of France at the behest of their agent, Napoleon.