Elie Wiesel

The 4 Jacobs and the 2100 Esaus

The 4 Jacobs and the 2100 EsausBy Michael HoffmanAs background to yesterday’s tragic events in Jerusalem, Prof. Daniel McGowan of Deir Yassin Remembered, has confirmed that the Jerusalem synagogue where the attack on the rabbis occurred, is located on land in the Hasidic Har Nof district of West Jerusalem, that was stolen from the Palestinians 66 years ago. Har Nof is on the site of the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, which was obliterated by Israeli “ Irgun" terrorists on April 9, 1948.

Ending the “Passionate Attachment”

In his farewell address in 1796, George Washington warned the nation he had served as its first president against a “passionate attachment” or “inveterate hatred” toward any nation. Some Americans were impassioned about revolutionary France. Within a few years, agents of foreign minister Talleyrand would boast to American diplomats of French power within the United States, and demand large bribes and loans to advance relations.