UP Elections

Rise Of Yogi Adityanath: Time For Unity Of Purpose

Yogi Adityanath has been appointed chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. That shows the power of ‘mobocracy’ when we call it ‘democracy’ and paid thugs define it in their different ways wasting time of the nation and confusing people further. I am not surprised at the choice of the Sangh Parivar as they believe in building leaders for future. Other parties[Read More...]

Paradox of a Democracy: Choosing Oppression Through Elections

Democracy has been described as a system ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. India boasts itself to be the largest democracy in the world. It is pointed that it is the people’s choice which ultimately matters in a Democracy. It is true that India continues to have regular elections. People continue to make choices of their[Read More...]

Uttar Pradesh : Time To Think For A Post Poll Scenario

The UP political situation have brought sharp differences between yesterday’s friend who have now becoming bitter foes. People are posting things on Facebook and whatsApp abusing their former comrades just because one is on the side of Samajwadi Party while other on the Bahujan Samaj Party. I will make certain observations with my own understanding of the two and the[Read More...]