Election 2020

Dominion refusal to attend hearing is globalists throwing down the gauntlet [Video]

The American nation is in big trouble. Christianity Daily and a few other conservative media outlets ran a piece on Friday, November 20, noting how Dominion Voting Systems refused to attend a hearing regarding their equipment changing votes to Biden from Trump en masse during the November 3 elections. Christianity Daily’s Julio Cachila writes [slightly […]

The real 2020 election scandal: vote theft targeting Black people, youth

The real 2020 election scandal is Republican-led voter theft targeting Black and youth voters in key battlegrounds, investigate reporter Greg Palast says. President Trump is refusing to concede to Joe Biden over baseless allegations of widespread electoral fraud. Investigative journalist Greg Palast says that the real 2020 voting scandal is Republican-led voter theft targeting Black and youth voters in key battlegrounds, including Georgia, where Senate control will be decided. Guest: Greg Palast. Veteran investigative journalist and author of several books […]

As Trump rejects US election, Biden signals continued regime change abroad

With Trump rejecting the US election outcome and the Biden team advocating continued regime change abroad, Max Blumenthal on US hegemony coming home to roost. As President Trump refuses to concede over baseless allegations of widespread fraud, the Biden team has sent signals that there will be little to no transition away from US regime change abroad. The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discusses Trump’s rejection of democracy at home, and the records of the likely Biden cabinet members who have adopted […]