Elderly Abuse

Tucson Court to Hear Extradition of Woman Accused of Feeding her Mother

Contributed by Janet Phelan
Janet Phelan
On Tuesday, Pima County Superior Court in Arizona will hear a case involving a fugitive from justice and the request for extradition to Miami-Dade County, in Florida. The fugitive, a former New York attorney, is a 64-year-old woman named Barbara Stone.
Stone was originally arrested for feeding her mother.
Barbara Stane and her mom, Barbara surprised her mom, with a party

One Push, One Million Dollar Settlement

January 15,2015, Modesto Police Officer John C. Lee, is dispatched the residence of Patricia Mugrauer, to a report of a landlord/tenant dispute. The entire incident was documented on Body Worn Camera Video, from two different angles. What started off as a typical passive aggressive police interaction slowly develops into a case of “Contempt of Cop”, when Ms. Mugrauer decides to close her front door ending the conversation with officer Lee.