Do ‘National Security Letters’ Violate the 1st Amendment?

(ANTIMEDIA) San Francisco, CA — The question is at the heart of an ongoing court battle between the Federal Bureau of Investigations and two communications service providers represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. EFF is representing CREDO Mobile and Cloudflare in their efforts to defend themselves against the use of the controversial national security letters (NSL). Both companies were legally bound to secrecy for years under the provisions of the NSL, itself a creation of the 2001 PATRIOT Act.

Corbett Report Interview 989 Pearse Redmond Peels the TOR Onion

From Corbett Report:
“The TOR Project promises its users a modicum of privacy protection from would-be information gatherers, both small time crooks and nation-state cyber-security agencies. But do these promises hold up to scrutiny? And who is behind the TOR Project itself? And why did a TOR developer recently doxx a critic on Twitter? Joining us today to dissect this onion stew is Pearse Redmond of Porkins Policy Review.”