edward snowden

Die NZZ und das New American Century

2010 schrieb der heutige NZZ-Chef­re­dakteur und vor­ma­lige NZZ-Aus­lands­chef Eric Gujer ein Buch über den War on Terror zu­sammen mit Gary J. Schmitt, dem ehe­ma­li­gen Dir­ektor des Project for the New American Century (PNAC). PNAC wurde 1997 von füh­ren­den Neo­kon­ser­va­ti­ven ge­gründet, darunter Dick Cheney. Die Gruppe for­derte die weltweite Prädominanz der USA und anti­zi­pierte be­reits im... Continue Reading →

Kremlin Denies Claim It Considered Giving Snowden As ‘Gift’ To Trump

A sticker calling for asylum for Edward Snowden seen in Berlin. (Photo: Tony Webster/flickr/cc)
(REPORT) — Amid reports that Moscow is considering handing over NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden as a “gift” to U.S. President Donald Trump, a Russian government spokesperson said Monday that the Kremlin and the White House have not discussed the matter, Russia’s state TASS agency reported.

Russia will not sell Snowden to Trump; here’s why

On Friday 10th February 2017 NBC circulated a report the Russian government in order to improve relations with the Trump administration was preparing to hand Edward Snowden over to the US.
The report obviously worried Snowden himself, who tweeted that the report proved that he was not and never had been a Russian agent.  That suggests that he took the report seriously.