Ed Jany

Florida Democratic Party-- A Picture Of Pitiful Dysfunction

May 2nd was the last day to file for federal office in Florida for 2014. Of the 16 congressional seats held by Republicans, 5 have no Democratic candidates at all. Many others have just vanity Democratic candidates or wild-eyed idealists with no real chance, but these are the 5 with no Democratic opponents:, along with the incumbents and the district PVIs:

Pelosi Should Appoint Only One Democrat To Trey Gowdy's Witch Hunt Committee: Alan Grayson

When a tiny handful of slime ball conservaDems like Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Patrick Murphy (FL) and John Barrow (GA) conspired with the House Republicans to ramp up the politically and financially-motivated Benghazi witch hunt last week, I floated the idea of Pelosi doing the one thing better than boycotting it: just appointing a single Democrat to call out the GOP on their ugly partisan attacks. And who better than Oralndo truth teller Alan Grayson? Answer: no one.