
Too Much Heat, Past and Present

The ultimate consequences of global warming are difficult to truly understand by the public, policymakers and by pretty much everybody. In their hearts, they do not want to believe it’ll cause an extinction event. That’s simply too hard to believe, going too far. People cannot wrap their minds around the idea that civilization, poof, is […]
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The State of Capitalism’s Climate System

Three years ago, 15,000 scientists declared a climate emergency by signing onto a State of the Climate Report. That signing led to annual updates, for example, the most recent version: The 2023 State of the Climate Report: Entering Uncharted Territory, Bioscience, vol. 73, issue 12, December 2023, Oxford Academic (aka: “The Report”). The initial paragraph […]
The post The State of Capitalism’s Climate System first appeared on Dissident Voice.

IPCC Rebellion

It’s 35 years since formation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities.” Subsequently, COP21 at Paris ‘15 warned the world not to exceed 1.5°C, and worst case, not to exceed 2.0°C above pre-industrial or risk lasting damage to crucial life supporting ecosystems, ultimately […]
The post IPCC Rebellion first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Global Warming Did The Unthinkable

Jungfraujoch’s foreboding temperatures this September at the top of the world in Switzerland at 2.25 miles altitude alarmed glaciologists. If anybody has lingering doubts about global warming’s strength of power to directly impact Earth’s ecosystems, think again. Antarctica, at the bottom of the world, experienced record high temperatures during its winter, as record high temperatures […]

We’re rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic: don’t ask me to help out

A small section of my followers are excited that someone on Substack has written a “rebuttal” that supposedly “tears apart” my recent article on the climate crisis. Loathe as I am to promote climate scepticism, for those who are interested it can be read here. Its supporters seem to believe it outs me as a […]

“A Death Sentence for People and Ecosystems”: The Climate Emergency, Governments and the Public Enemy

On a trip to Japan in 2014, approaching the third anniversary of the Fukishima nuclear disaster, Noam Chomsky told an audience that: ‘Governments regard their own citizens as their main enemy.’ What he meant was that states do not wish their own populations to know and understand the details of government policies, for fear of […]

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s “State of the Planet” Message Revisited

Imagine being confined to a space the size of a car’s interior in the pitch blackness of outer space for three days. Your spacecraft is the Apollo 14 Command Module “Kitty Hawk,” returning from the moon. In order to maintain thermal balance, the module will rotate 360° every two minutes, as the sun, the moon […]
The post Astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s “State of the Planet” Message Revisited first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Whales and People: A Tragedy!

It was a good live crowd — over a hundred folk, November 30, at Hatfield’s new classroom building, Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building Auditorium. And another 100 in “attendance” on the Zoom Doom. I’m a member of the  Cetacean Society International, and the American Cetacean Society, and unfortunately for the Oregon group, their meetings and […]
The post Whales and People: A Tragedy! first appeared on Dissident Voice.