
Zionism: Imperialism in the Age of Counter-revolution

During the 1920s General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Josef Stalin formulated what he considered to be the essential contribution of Lenin to Marxist political economy. Leninism, he wrote, is Marxism in the era of proletarian revolution. Since 1989 proletarian and national liberation revolutions throughout the world have been overturned by a general, global counter-revolutionary upsurge.

The Panama Papers: Oozing Slime

The Panama Papers, a one-year investigation by over 100 reporters worldwide (The International Consortium of Investigative Journalism) of offshore money hiding/laundering/taxation avoidance, is a cause célèbre of underhandedness seldom, if ever, revealed to the world’s public. It is comparable to lifting a rotting log in the woods and finding an active nest of millipedes, red worms, and cockroaches scampering about to escape the bright sunlight. They can’t stand the sunlight because darkness is their life.

Does the End of Growth Mean the End of Capitalism?

What is Capitalism? The dictionary defines it as “an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” While accurate enough, this definition fails to capture the essential characteristic which distinguishes capitalism from other economic systems, past and present.

Ukraine is Turning into Liberia: “The love of liberty brought us here”

Earlier this month while delivering a public lecture in Kiev, “The Challenges of an Ever-Changing World,” former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made an inspiring remark for anyone who might have been thinking that life in Ukraine was bad:

You should go to Liberia where the standard of living is much lower, and then you will be thankful.