
The Bond Vigilantes Get Busy

While the levels of schadenfreude will be going through the roof given the unfolding farce in British politics, the resignation of Liz Truss as UK Prime Minister was troubling in one vital respect.  True, her juvenile salad understanding of economics, which involved spending billions on tax cuts and energy subsidies, was lamentable.  To cope with […]
The post The Bond Vigilantes Get Busy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

When Markets Cease to Control Human Economic Life

Our most important contribution is to have demonstrated concretely how to reconcile democratic planning with worker and consumer autonomy. We believe this was the Achilles’ heel of socialism during the twentieth century, which must be resolved if there is to be a future for socialism in the twenty-first century. — Robin Hahnel speaking to the […]
The post When Markets Cease to Control Human Economic Life first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Are Socialists Going to Let Neoliberals Define Fascism?

Orientation The linear political spectrum is bankrupt! How does it explain why socialist China is making alliances with capitalist Russia and even with fundamentalist Saudi Arabia? Why is it that so-called socialist Social Democrats support imperialist United States rather than socialist China? Why is it that right-wing fundamentalist states like India and Brazil are supporting […]

“Booming” Economy Leaves Millions Behind: Part 12

Contradicting experience and research, various mainstream media sources continue to perpetuate the illusion that we have a “solid economy,” that “the fundamentals are sound,” that “things are not that bad,” and that “we can be optimistic” about the economy. In lock-step with the mainstream media, political and economic leaders at the highest levels are also […]

Sri Lankans Seek a World in Which They Can Find Laughter Together

Anoli Perera (Sri Lanka), Dream 1, 2017. On 9 July 2022, remarkable images floated across social media from Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital. Thousands of people rushed into the presidential palace and chased out former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, forcing him to flee to Singapore. In early May, Gotabaya’s brother Mahinda, also a former president, resigned from […]

Global Inflation and China’s Measures to Stabilize Her Economy

• This article was first published by the International Monetary Institute, China. Under normal circumstances inflation occurs when too many monetary units (US-dollars, Euros, Chinese Yuan) chase too few goods. But we are not living in normal times. To the contrary. We are living in an increasingly divided world, not only in political terms – […]

“Booming” Economy Leaves Millions Behind: Part Eleven

Below is part 11 of the series called “Booming” Economy Leaves Millions Behind. It contains 50 new and updated statistics from multiple sources. New dismal records continue to be set and the long depression that started many years ago continues to intensify. Part 12, the last part, will appear in a few weeks. Facts, discussion, […]
The post “Booming” Economy Leaves Millions Behind: Part Eleven first appeared on Dissident Voice.

COVID, Capitalism, Friedrich and Boris

And thus it renders more and more evident the great central fact that the cause of the miserable condition of the working class is to be sought, not in these minor grievances, but in the capitalistic system itself. — Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) (preface to the English Edition, […]
The post COVID, Capitalism, Friedrich and Boris first appeared on Dissident Voice.

“Booming” Economy Leaves Millions Behind: Part Ten

The top-down assault on living and working standards continues unabated worldwide. This is coupled with the growing pressure on everyone to fend-for-themselves like animals, which is engendering greater insecurity and instability with each passing month. Even worse, no meaningful and lasting relief is on the way, only more suffering. Major corporations, however, are having a […]