
An Absurd Scene at G7: The Bandit Leader Ran for Police Chief

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT The Group of Seven (G7) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ meeting that ended on Saturday did not name China in the joint statement, nor did it mention the so-called economic coercion that has been hyped for a long time. Nonetheless, it is hard to say the G7 is returning to rationality […]

Can the U.S. Adjust Sensibly to a Multipolar World?

In his 1987 book The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, historian Paul Kennedy reassured Americans that the decline the United States was facing after a century of international dominance was “relative and not absolute, and is therefore perfectly natural; and that the only serious threat to the real interests of the United States […]

Who’s Winning and Losing the Economic War over Ukraine?

Half a million tons of methane rise from the sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline. Photo: Swedish Coast Guard On the other hand, Ukraine’s economy has shrunk by 35% or more, despite $46 billion in economic aid from generous U.S. taxpayers, on top of $67 billion in military aid. European economies are also taking a hit. After […]
The post Who’s Winning and Losing the Economic War over Ukraine? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Work: Slavery in an Exploiting Economy

Work is easy. Work is difficult. Work shows a lot. Work hides a lot. Work creates. Work destroys. Work is painless. Work is dreadful. Work brings victory. Work is slavish. Work is like creating a poem or a picture with joy. Work is hellish. A poet or a philosopher may define work differently than a […]
The post Work: Slavery in an Exploiting Economy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Having the System(s) All Locked Up — Monopolies!

Delusional thinking. Trapped inside a world of knee jerking. Multi-Generational Trauma on steroids. Fear thy self and thy enemy, so self-loathing in a bipolar self-aggrandizing flipping. Yo-yo thinking. If you attempt to get a bead on the “situation,” you know, THE Situation, it is almost impossible to be and to live and to survive in […]
The post Having the System(s) All Locked Up — Monopolies! first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The First US Onslaught to “Weaken” Post-Cold War Russia

The first post-cold war assault on Russia by the West began in the early 1990s well before the expansion of NATO. It took the form of a U.S.-induced economic depression in Russia that was deeper and more disastrous than the Great Depression that devastated the U.S. in the 1930s. And it came at a time […]
The post The First US Onslaught to “Weaken” Post-Cold War Russia first appeared on Dissident Voice.

What Does the Fed’s Jerome Powell Have Up His Sleeve

“There is no sense that inflation is coming down,” said Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell at a November 2 press conference, — this despite eight months of aggressive interest rate hikes and “quantitative tightening.” On November 30, the stock market rallied when he said smaller interest rate increases are likely ahead and could start in […]

Xi vs Trudeau: How China is Rewriting History with the Colonial West  

Though brief, the exchange between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Indonesia on November 16 has become a social media sensation. Xi, assertive if not domineering, lectured the visibly apprehensive Trudeau about the etiquette of diplomacy. This exchange can be considered another watershed […]

Liberating Africa from Poverty Requires Changing Power Relations with the West 

Soon after arriving in Oslo, my taxi zigzagged through the city’s well-organized streets and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Large billboards advertised the world’s leading brands in fashion, cars, and perfumes. Amid all the expressions of wealth and plenty, an electronic sign by a bus stop flashed the images of poor looking African children needing help. Over the […]