Eastern Asia

Japan Aims at Taking Center Stage in Modern Geopolitics

It has been repeatedly pointed out that one of the most noteworthy trends of modern geopolitics is the return of Germany and Japan to the ranks of the world’s leading players. The two states that suffered a crushing defeat back in the days of the Second World War are now back, but have intentionally downplayed this fact across the media. The reasoning behind this approach is pretty obvious.

What Should Moon Jae-in Do to Establish an Inter-Korean dialogue?

In the previous articles, we have already mentioned about the straddling the fence policy of new President of the Republic of Korea. On the one hand, Moon Jae-in actively lobbies American policy toward the DPRK, and on the other hand constantly demonstrates the volition for dialogue between North Korea and South Korea taking limited steps towards this direction.
The official statements of Seoul as a whole can be summarized in the following points:

Wacky Nuclear Politics About to Blow Up the US and with its “Own Rhetoric”

One does not need to have grown up in the age of “duck and cover” to understand that the nuclear scare that we are now experiencing could have been inspired from the script of Dr. Strangelove, written by of Stanley Kubrick as a black comedy that reflected the reality of nuclear weapons, “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” Released 1964, the film’s plot caused a good deal of controversy because it was too close to what could have been reality.