Eastern Asia

Comment-rigging Scandal Update: Appointed Special Prosecutor Begins Work

We continue to follow the events that can potentially transform into the latest political crisis in South Korea.  Even at this stage, the online comment-rigging scandal buried Moon Jae-in’s plans of ensuring the constitutional amendment referendum coincided with the 13 June local elections, almost sabotaged work on an extra-budgetary project and, in the end, led to the appointment of a special prosecutor to spearhead this case.

Has the Problem of Illegal Migrants and Refugees Reached South Korea?

On 7 July 2018, a 700-strong protest took place in front of the office of Seoul’s mayor. People came out into the streets carrying signs, such as “Put Koreans before refugees”, and protesting against the policies of the provincial administration of the Jeju island, which, in their opinion, is responsible for flooding Korea with “fake refugees”. Other slogans bore messages as “Koreans first”, “We want security” and “Who is this country for?”.

Outcome of South Korean President’s State Visit to Russian Federation

The South Korean President Moon Jae-in made an official State Visit to Russia from 21 to 23 June.
This was the third summit (after their meetings during the G20 summit in July and the Eastern Economic Forum in September 2017) and the first State Visit to Russia in 19 years (South Korean leaders’ visits at other times did not have such a high status).