Eastern Asia

The Real Stakes of the USA China Trade Wars

The bizarre and escalating “trade war” being waged by Washington against the Chinese is not at all about balance of trade surpluses. The Chinese have apparently recently concluded this as well. It is about an all-out assault on China’s strategy to become an advanced, self-reliant economic leading economy, technologically on a par with the West, perhaps even more advanced. This is the basic content of the Xi Jinping Made in China:2025 national economic strategy.

The President of Taiwan Pays a “Stopover Visit” to the United States

In the beginning of August, a relatively small but thoroughly dried and highly combustible woodpile was planted into the smoldering bonfire of the “trade” war between the world’s two leading powers. The matter in question is the visit of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to Los Angeles. The format of her stay in this major US West Coast city raises many questions: where did she go, with whom did she meet and speak?

Is North Korea Fulfilling its Singapore Summit Commitments?

Against the background of a number of high-profile statements by the Western press that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is secretly developing a nuclear missile program, thereby violating the Singapore Declaration and deceiving the world community at large and Donald Trump personally, the author would like to present a detailed answer to the matter in question.

China is Strengthening its Efforts Aimed at Fighting International Terrorism

Not too long ago China rarely featured in the news related to international terrorism. But recent years have seen a noticeable rise in threats due to terrorism in the world. At the same time PRC’s influence abroad has increased substantially in view of its presence in all the regions of the world especially in Asia and Africa. It is hardly surprising that China is increasingly facing the threat of terrorism and has been forced to become involved in finding a solution to this problem.

What is to Happen with Japan’s Plutonium Stock?

New Eastern Outlook has featured regular discussions on the topic that we can provisionally dub as “Japan’s issues with nuclear power”. There is a fairly reasonable explanation for this interest, as this country’s economy is practically the third largest in the world, and this nation’s role, in recent years, has rapidly grown in prominence in various aspects of world politics and other areas.

Hashima – Brutal History and the Most Haunted Island on Earth

Do you want to see perhaps the spookiest island on earth – Hashima (also known as Gunkanjima – the Battleship Island) – which is located just 30 minutes by speedboat from the historic Japanese port city of Nagasaki? Now you can. Just book online, pay the equivalent of 40 American dollars, and then hop on one of those shiny sleek vessels belonging to Gunkanjima Concierge or to some other company.