Eastern Asia

How did the American Otto Warmbier Actually Die?

On 10 October 2018, several American doctors, who were involved in caring for and treating the fairly well-known Otto Warmbier, confirmed the theory, proposed by the student’s parents, that Otto’s teeth and gums looked as if they had been cut with a saw, and as a result, the US citizen had died from torture inflicted on him. This “medical conclusion” was sent to a court in Washington.

On Status of Military Ties between US and South Korea

Having written about implementing the inter-Korean summit agreements on military aspects, we will now wait and see what effect this will have on the military cooperation between South Korea and the USA, either when it comes to staging joint military drills or reaching a new cost-sharing agreement for basing U.S. troops in South Korea.
Withdrawal of US armed forces from ROK 

Who is Winning the US-Chinese AI Arms Race?

Information technology has already transformed virtually every aspect of modern civilization. The rise of artificial intelligence and the ability of systems to train themselves rather than be programmed, allowing them to perform tasks no human could, is expected to have as much, if not more an impact than the proliferation of computers and the Internet.

America’s Backyard is Now Part of the Multi-Polar World

As the caravan of Central Americans seeking a decent life recently approached the US-Mexican border’s main crossing points, President Trump sent troops with orders to shoot trespassers. When the caravan headed to other parts of the border, women and children were met with tear-gas, President Trump, showing off his ignorance of all things scientific, claiming it was ‘a diluted version’.