Eastern Asia

China’s Old Wounds Reopen: Hong Kong and Taiwan

China, quite reasonably aspiring to becoming a global player, still has (as well as all the other countries) certain internal problems which its main geopolitical opponent, i.e. the US, is trying to use to its own benefit.
Among the problems of this sort, two long-standing ones have resurfaced yet again over the recent months. Namely, Washington’s renewed attempts to play the Taiwan card in the relations with Beijing and (yet again) to exacerbate the situation in Hong Kong.

The G20 Summit in Osaka

The most recent G20 summit, attended by heads of state of the 20 most important global economies, was held from June 28-29 in the Japanese city of Osaka. The G-20 format, as we have noted on previous occasions is, at present, possibly the only political platform that allows participants to discuss and try to resolve urgent global and “local” problems.