Eastern Asia

How Radiophobia Contributes to the Exacerbation of the Korean-Japanese Relations Condoned by Moon Jae-In

A short while ago, we discussed the question whether the South Korean government was pushing its citizens to boycott Japanese goods or travel to Japan or whether this was an ordinary initiative of the citizens. The picture becomes much clearer if we pay attention to the way various officials are using people’s fears of radioactive contamination by promoting the topic of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was damaged by the 2011 earthquake.

Taiwan Comes to the Forefront in the US-Chinese Military Standoff

The New Eastern Outlook has repeatedly noted the sharp increase in the role of Taiwan in the complex relations between the two leading world superpowers. Against the backdrop of a continuous deterioration in these relations, Washington’s desire to restore the format of its pre-1979 ties with Taipei is becoming increasingly clear.

Upper House Elections and Possible Constitutional Amendments In Japan

The scheduled election (held every three years) for half of all the upper house seats of the National Diet of Japan, which took place on 21 July 2019, ought to be viewed as a key event in the realm of regional and global politics. After all, this was the latest exercise to elect members of a legislative body of a nation that has the world’s third largest economy, and whose influence on political processes on the global stage continues to grow.