Eastern Asia

Will Moon Jae-in Take over Direct Control of ROK Military by 2022?

Recently, the author reported about US-South Korea combined military drills that are usually held in March and April. North Korea has kept a close watch over the exercises that are linked to preparations for the transfer of wartime Operational Control Authority (OPCON) to the Republic of Korea (ROK) from the United States Forces Korea (USFK).

The Seas of the Indo-Pacific in Turmoil

In the chronicle of how the situation is developing in the region covered by the Indian and Pacific oceans, alas, there are no positive trends that will please readers. To exacerbate the confrontation here between the two leading world powers, the United States and China, recently more problems have been pressing down on the latter’s relations with major regional players, such as Japan and India.

US Smears Those Questioning Latest Claims vs. China

The Coda Story – a media front funded and created by and for the US government, its “Atlanticist” partners, and the corporate interests driving the vast majority of Western foreign policy – recently ran a smear against alternative media figures questioning the US-led “Uyghur-Xinjiang” narrative.
The smear is part of a wider campaign aimed at anyone questioning Washington’s Uyghur-Xinjiang narrative and the US’ attempt to use it to undermine China.