Eastern Asia

Japan’s Energy Policy and its Significance for Russia

Just as decades ago, coal remains a strategically important fuel for the world. Despite the constant talk of greenhouse gas emissions and the complete phase-out of coal, the disappearance of this fuel from the market would lead to the collapse of the global economy. It is quite natural that the world’s four major coal consumers, […]

On the 50th Anniversary of PRC’s Membership in the UN; the Taiwan Factor

The eve of the 50th anniversary of PRC’s membership in the UN served as a pretext for another propaganda attack by Washington against its primary geopolitical opponent. Recall Resolution No. 2578, “Restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations,” adopted by the General Assembly on October 25, 1971, […]

Self-Defense – 2021, the Long-Awaited SLBM and Other Missile News from North Korea

In September 2021, North Korea surprised military experts by showcasing new technologies, while the fact that every single one of those techs exists even in the experimental form makes the US and their allies’ victory over Pyongyang increasingly difficult. First of all, the DPRK has developed its own cruise missile. Secondly, it is a hypersonic […]

To Prove China is a “Global Threat,” US Threatens Global Games

China is set to host the 2022 Winter Olympics in its capital city Beijing beginning in February. The country has been busy with preparations taking into consideration all the baseline concerns required for such an event with the addition of managing risks related to COVID-19. However, the event stands to benefit China in many ways […]

South Korea’s Seongnamgate

The scandal over alleged corruption related to land development in the satellite city of Seoul, Seongnam, is gaining momentum: its main protagonist is Lee Jae-myung, now the leading presidential candidate of the ruling Democratic Party, who initiated the project when he was mayor of Seongnam. The Gist of the Story Hwacheon Daeyu, a small company […]

US Using its Allies to Start a War with China?

The situation in the Indo-Pacific Region (IPR) has become noticeably more complicated in recent years, primarily due to the openly provocative actions of the United States towards Taiwan. China is wary of a series of US-Taiwan military exchanges initiated by the Biden administration. One of these was the recent visit to Washington by Taiwanese army […]

On the Celebration of the 110th Anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution

The reason for another address to the Taiwan problem, perhaps the most dangerous today in terms of maintaining (at least relative) stability in the global political system, was the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution in Beijing and Taipei. Successful completion of the Revolution interrupted more than 2,000 years of monarchical rule […]

Ukrainian Hackers Instead of North Korean Hackers

On October 15, 2021, the Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) reported that four members of an unnamed money laundering organization, including its leader, were detained in a joint investigation that involved Ukrainian police, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Interpol. Three Ukrainians and another foreigner are accused of distributing the Clop ransomware that paralyzed […]

US Marines on Taiwan: Major Provocation, But Not News

When the Wall Street Journal reported recently that US special forces and Marines have been secretly based in Taiwan to train their Taiwanese counterparts for over a year, it was considered breaking news. It was followed by headlines like the Guardian’s, “Secret group of US military trainers has been in Taiwan for at least a […]

More on the Restoration of Inter-Korean Lines of Communication

In our previous piece on inter-Korean relations, we touched on Kim Yoo-jung’s remark that in case of “maintaining impartiality and respect for each other”, both the restoration of the North-South bureau and the inter-Korean summit could be discussed constructively. “The end of the war will also be proclaimed in due course.” During this time, North […]