Eastern Asia

More Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

In another chronicle of current events related to the Taiwan issue, it bears drawing the reader’s attention to those that followed the November 16 US-China video summit. One of the main topics discussed there was the mentioned problem precisely. Judging by the official statement of the more than three-hour conversation, the positions of the sides on […]

Who Can Make an Atom Bomb Faster? Iran or Japan?

Tensions over the proliferation of nuclear weapons have recently increased significantly amid problems with the nuclear deal with Iran, of which one of the signatories to it, the United States, withdrew on the initiative of ex-President Donald Trump in 2018, and the current White House administration has so far unsuccessfully tried to restore it, but […]

A Chronicle of the Pre-election Race in ROK: Democrats Made Up their Mind, But…

The author continues his series of articles on the presidential race in South Korea, as both camps have made up their minds as to the leading candidates. On 31 August 2021, the ruling Toburo Democratic Party launched a campaign to elect its candidate for the 2022 presidential election. 11 rounds of preliminary regional elections were […]

Details of the Economic Relations Between PRC and South Korea in 2021

The economic interaction between the ROK and the PRC during the reviewed period represented several overlapping trends. On the one hand, Beijing continues to act against companies involved in deploying US missile defense in South Korea. It restrains the penetration of South Korean cultural content into the country (mainly as part of the overall strategy […]

China and Russia Face a Difficult Future in the Face of American Hypocrisy and Intransigence

One of the overhyped events of recent times has been the 3+ hours of telephone conversation between the presidents of China and the United States of America Xi Jinping and Joe Biden respectively. There are two major reasons to doubt the sincerity of the Americans over their accounts of the meeting. The first is that […]

South Korean Seongnamgate: Will There Be a Sequel?

The author continues to follow a serious scandal in South Korea that could affect the outcome of the March 2022 presidential election, as one of the potential figures in the case is Lee Jae-myung, the ruling Democratic presidential candidate. The fact is that a previously unknown firm, Hwacheon Daeyu, and its seven affiliates made more […]