Eastern Asia

A Chronicle of the Pre-election Race in ROK: Yoon Suk-yeol’s Affairs

The showdown in the Conservative camp took place on a far greater scale for a number of reasons. First, within the logic of factional struggle and partly due to Moon’s policies, “People’s Power” has in part become an alliance of all who oppose Moon, making the division between factions deeper and more acute. There are […]

Beijing Deals a Devastating Blow to Washington

The White House’s policy of unfettered discretion and domination, of unceremonious interference in the internal affairs of other countries, has met an increasingly widespread anti-American backlash. It was Washington that decided to “teach Serbia a lesson” by sponsoring, through the Rockefeller Foundation, anti-government protests in Serbia with the goal of changing the current government in […]

DPRK Missile Tests at the End of January 2022: the Moratorium Is Over

January 2022 has been rather busy in terms of missile launches by the DPRK, and following the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea held on January 20, the month became even more eventful after they had hinted at the possible discontinuation of the unilateral moratorium. On January […]

Vladimir Putin’s Meeting With Xi Jinping Marks an Important Step in Eurasian Future

The past week saw what was arguably the most important encounter for a considerable period of time. The Russian president Vladimir Putin travelled to Beijing as the honoured guest of Chinese president Xi Jinping . It was their first face to face meeting for more than two years. The two leaders did not waste the opportunity […]

A Chronicle of the Pre-election Race in ROK: Lee Jae-myung’s Entanglements

With just a month or so until the presidential elections in South Korea, this bulletin in our series of “dispatches from the front” focuses on Lee Jae-myung, the candidate from the ruling Democratic Party. The partnership with Lee Nak-yon, and the changing of the guard at the electoral committee In order to avoid being associated […]

Cyberattack against the DPRK: Reasons for the January 2022 Escalation?

When talking about the reasons for the end of the North Korean moratorium, global media and most pundits have disregarded one factor that could have played a key role in the DPRK leadership’s decision. On January 14, 2022, NK News reported about North Korea’s disappearance from the Internet that lasted several hours as crucial servers inside […]

Is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Beginning to Open Up?

After a year and a half of interruption, North Korea has reopened rail connections with China. Since the end of January 2020, the DPRK has halted cross-boarder railway services. Even though on June 26, 2020 one freight train passed from Hunchun (a border city in China’s Jilin province) to Tumangang station on the North Korea-Russian […]

China’s Population Issue

Over the past centuries, there have been various assessments of changes in fertility and the impact of this factor on the state structure and social processes. In the 18th century, a British demographer Thomas Malthus argued that population growth would eventually lead to starvation, disease, death and, by extension, population decline. This perspective has been […]