Eastern Asia

Awaiting New DPRK Satellites and New Sanctions

Events have taken a new turn since the last report on the development of the DPRK’s missile program, focusing on the launch of two supposedly medium-range missiles. In addition to US and South Korean calls to “cease missile provocations and come to the negotiating table,” there have been clear signs of escalation. On March 7, […]

Is This the End of the Ministry of Gender Equality?

On March 13, 2022 the South Korean president elect, Yoon Suk-yeol, announced to journalists that the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family had outlived its usefulness and that another more effective state structure is to be created in order to resolve the problem of gender equality. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (or, more […]

Concerning an Assassination Attempt on Song Young-gil

On March 7, 2022, on the eve of the presidential elections in South Korea, the leader of the Democratic Party, Song Young-gil, was campaigning in Seoul’s Sinchon district and became the victim of an assassination attempt. The attacker approached him from behind and hit him on the head several times with a hammer wrapped in […]

Global Arms Market Dynamics and its Effects on the International Developments

For several years now, the world economy has been showing signs of a global crisis, affecting not only underdeveloped economies but also fully developed states such as the US or the EU. One of the signs of instability and unease increasing around the world is the rapid growth of the arms trade. Data on arms […]

Elections in South Korea – Who Voted for Whom, and Why did Yoon Win?

So, the elections have finished and a winner has been declared! The election results have been discussed in detail in the Korean media, with breakdowns of the results by region and in terms of the age and sex of voters. According to data published by the Korean Electoral Commission following the counting of votes, elector turnout […]

Japan, a Land of the Rising Sanctions

Although Japan used to be associated with the poetic name “Land of the Rising Sun,” it has recently been increasingly turning, through the fault of its current political authorities, into a “Land of the Rising Sanctions.” Until recently, under former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, relations between Russia and Japan were consistently good and even warm. […]

On the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Shanghai Communiqué; Lessons for Russia

February 28, 1972 was marked by a major event that would shape the development of global political trends for decades to come. We can still notice the impact that this event had today, but it is now viewed very differently by the major powers that were behind it some five decades ago. The author is referring […]

China Adopts a New Defense Budget

Against the backdrop of the seriousness of Ukraine’s Western-backed preparations for a dramatic escalation and aggression against Donbass and Luhansk, including with US-funded biological weapons, China has rolled out its defense budget for 2022. It happened on the opening day of the fifth annual session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC). Usually these annual […]

Shamanism and Politics in South Korea

After publishing the materials about the traces of shamanism in Yoon Suk-yeol’s case, the author received many comments asking him to clarify this case in more detail. Therefore, it was decided to offer some more insights on such issues as shamanism and politics in South Korea. Despite traditional role and popularity in the society, the […]