Eastern Asia

Korean Parallels to the Ukrainian Crisis

Periodically, the audience asks the author what he thinks about the current situation. While the author is not an expert on Ukraine, he nevertheless sees a number of curious parallels between the current developments and the events of Korean history, which he would like to remind readers of. The first parallel concerns the Korean War, […]

Military Parade in Pyongyang on April 25, 2022

Although Kim Il-sung’s 110th birthday on April 15, 2022 was spared from military demonstrations, the expected parade (the twelfth during Kim Jong-un’s presidency) was held ten days later. On April 25, the country celebrated the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, the predecessor of today’s KPA. While the existence of […]

Yoon Suk-yeol’s Government: the First Scandals

So, the elected president of Republic of Korea has formed a government, but its confirmation has to go through the parliament, which is controlled by the democrats. And, of course, there were “questions” about the nominees. And while in some cases they were relevant, in others they resemble the Russian proverb that you can get […]

How a Decision to Attack North Korea Could be Made and the Role that “Experts” Play

This author has in previous articles looked at the way lurid fake news stories appear and how incidents are investigated, and this article will look at how key decisions are taken, specifically in terms of the role played by experts.  It is commonly assumed that governments are omniscient, and that either the head of state or […]

Japan is Suffering due to its Own Sanctions and its Ukraine Policy

Tokyo is experiencing more and more problems as a result of its reckless adherence to Washington’s Russophobic dictates. And as Tokyo continues to adopt new anti-Russian sanctions these problems are rapidly getting more and more serious. For example, Japan has already announced a number of sanctions packages against Russia as a result of the Ukraine […]

Are There South Korean Mercenaries in Ukraine?

The fact that mercenaries from various countries are fighting on the side of the Ukrainian regime is relatively well-known, and so the rumor that “South Korean mercenaries from among former special forces have arrived in Ukraine” spread quite quickly. However, although the ROK is on the list of unfriendly countries because of its actions, the […]