Eastern Asia

DPRK exercises: Pyongyang has revealed its cards and the dangerous line is half a step closer

Since the publication of the visit of the US carrier group to the ROK, the vicious circle of tensions has taken another turn or two. The previous digest was ended with Pyongyang launching two short-range ballistic missiles on October 6, while 8 North Korean fighter jets and 4 bombers flew near the line of emphasis […]

DPRK launches medium-range missile, danger line is one step closer

The current rise in tensions on the Korean peninsula is by no means over with US carrier group maneuvers and a series of short-range North Korean missile launches. It should be recalled that “in a previous episode” the US and ROK conducted naval exercises involving the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and, more importantly, resumed […]

North Korea’s October rocket launches: international reactions

Following on from our previous article on the escalation of tensions in October 2022, we will look at the international reaction to North Korea’s rocket launches. The first thing that should be noted is that the launches did not cause any particular concern in either Russia or China. There was no outbreak of heated rhetoric […]

Yoon Suk-yeol on tour of the Anglo-Saxon world

Between September 18 and 24, 2022, ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol went on a foreign tour. It included visits to the United Kingdom (funeral of Queen Elizabeth II), the United States (participation in the UN General Assembly) and Canada (the key topic was economic security and diversification of supply channels for raw materials and minerals). Hopes […]

Western pressure as an incentive for Eurasian integration

As is known, Russia has long been a supporter of the idea of Eurasian integration, and the most actively pursued integration project in Eurasia is the Chinese transport and economic project “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI). The BRI is designed to unite as many states as possible in a single economic space. Almost all African […]

On the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and Japan

In the history of relations between the two now leading Asian powers, the PRC and Japan, the date of September 29 marks a very remarkable event. On this day exactly 50 years ago, Prime Ministers Zhou Enlai and Kakuei Tanaka signed the nine-point Joint Communiqué. The first one stated an end to “the abnormal state […]

The visit of a US carrier strike group to the ROK and its aftermath

On September 23, for the first time since October 2017, a US Navy carrier strike group led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan arrived in South Korea’s Port of Busan.  The strike group consisted of three ships: USS Ronald Reagan, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier; USS Chancellorsville, a Ticonderoga-class missile cruiser; and USS Barry, an […]

Biden is Trying to Bring Down Xi Jinping and Organize a “Color Revolution” in China

This autumn will be a momentous time for China – in the XX National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party the delegates will confirm China’s strategy and development priorities, and elect the country’s leader for the next five years. It is likely that Xi Jinping, the current head of the Party, will be reelected for […]