Eastern Asia

DPRK: Rumours, Rations and Refugees

I would like to start another essay about the economic situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with the chart published in open access by the Yonhap news agency. It is official information showing population growth in the North and South Korea. It clearly shows that at the end of the 1990s, the population of the DPRK was not in a demographic slump, which would have occurred if 2 million people had really died from hunger in the country.

On the Сonsequences of the Osprey accident in Okinawa

On the night of December 13 this year, following a failed attempt at landing, an American tilt-rotor aircraft, the MV-22 Osprey, crashed near the coast of Okinawa. Two out of five crew members were injured. Judging by the photos from the scene, the machine (worth more than $ 100 million.) will be handed over to the scrapyard.

Prospects of the Republic of Korea’s Domestic Policy after Park Geun-hye Impeachment

The Removal of the President from power, temporary or not, has affected the domestic policy, especially the state of affairs within the ruling Saenuri Party which is on the verge of a breakup.
Keep in mind that if all the deputies of Saenuri opposed the impeachment, its supporters would not get the required 200 votes. At the same time, Saenuri is not a solid group but the union of various factions (like most parties in South Korea), and Park’s supporters do not constitute the majority.

Prospects of the Republic of Korea’s Domestic Policy after Park Geun-hye Impeachment

The Removal of the President from power, temporary or not, has affected the domestic policy, especially the state of affairs within the ruling Saenuri Party which is on the verge of a breakup.
Keep in mind that if all the deputies of Saenuri opposed the impeachment, its supporters would not get the required 200 votes. At the same time, Saenuri is not a solid group but the union of various factions (like most parties in South Korea), and Park’s supporters do not constitute the majority.

China and the New US President

Since the results of the US presidential election made it clear that US foreign policy would not be the same, many wish they had a crystal ball that could foretell “what lies ahead.” Today, the chances are high that the main global power, which has been heavily influencing the world order in the post-cold war era, will be altering its global footprint. But what exactly will it change?

75th Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack Marks Interesting Developments

The otherwise tried and test allied relations between the US and Japan have a number of historical dates that make everybody feel rather uncomfortable. One can even state that politicians across both sides of the Pacific would prefer if some of these dates would just miraculously disappear from the calendar.