Eastern Asia

The Trump China Gambit: Which Side Will Russia Take?

Reports espionage groups in China have been using cyberespionage tactics to attack military and aerospace organizations in Russia fortify suspicions the Chinese cannot be trusted. Russia-China goodwill and economic partnerships now seem more a necessity than a genuine economic union. Here’s a revisionist view on what the Chinese may be up to.

On US Secretary of Defense’s Visit to South Korea

From February 2 to February 3, 2017, 13 days after his appointment as US Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, made a trip to South Korea. The Head of the Pentagon’s idea of choosing South Korea as the first country that he would visit after his appointment is rather symptomatic to talk not only about the visit, but also about the related trends in military cooperation between two countries.

Top Secret – Beijing has Become One of the Greatest Cities on Earth

Open your eyes and see for yourself. Unclog your ears and hear. Discard your preconceptions, of all those propaganda refrains that are accompanying the myriad of brainwashing tunes that are being spread by the Western indoctrination media.
For decades, smearing Beijing, while negating its greatness, has been one of the most effective weapons used by the US and Europe in their cultural anti-revolutionary war against all those great independent nations of the planet, especially China.

Some results of the Prime Minister of Japan’s visit to the United States

On February 10-13, 2017 Shinzo Abe made a remarkable, from various perspectives, visit to the US during which the Japanese Prime Minister held official talks with the newly elected American President – Donald Trump.
Shinzo Abe became the second (after the British Prime Minister Theresa May) head of the allied countries, which Donald Trump received officially. But this was not their first meeting.

Russia and China are Exploring New Horizons of Economic Cooperation

One of the most important aspects of economic partnership between states is cooperation in such areas as transportation and logistics. As it could be expected, the intense development of economic relations between Russia and China was soon followed by the rapid growth and integration of their transportation systems, which leads to the ever growing traffic increase between states.

Korean ‘Comfort Women’ and the Scandal with Park Yu-ha

In late 2016 and early 2017, the ‘Comfort Women (Korean name: wianbu)’ problem was marked not only by the scandal around the monument in front of the Japanese Consulate General, but also the dramatic court case, which was quickly compared with the hurried attempts to jail the authors of books denying the Holocaust. The case concerns Professor Park Yu-ha.

US Defence Secretary’s First Overseas Tour was Aimed at Bringing Tokyo and Seoul Closer Together

It can be safely stated that the recent trip of the US Secretary of Defense James Norman Mattis to South Korea and Japan has been a milestone event. For what it counts, this was the first overseas trip of a principal figure of the new US administration that was aimed at reestablishing ties with North-East Asian countries, those that are situated in the most problematic Asian subregion.