Eastern Asia

Development of the “Korean Crisis” and the Position of the People’s Republic of China

Among other things, the launch of the North Korean ICBM has caused a series of negative statements from the media leadership of the United States on the subject of China. Initially, President Donald Trump himself criticized China’s policy toward the DPRK on his Twitter, saying that he was very disappointed by the Chinese, who can “very easily” deal with the problem of North Korea if they so desired.

On the Next Stage of the US-China “Dialogue”

One of the main practical results of the meeting between the leaders of two major global powers (the USA and People’s Republic of China) held in early April, 2017 at Donald Trump’s estate in Florida, was the decision to deepen and concretize the bilateral “Dialogue” that has been held annually since 2006. For this purpose, the “Dialogue” was divided into four thematic (sub thematic) “dialogues” covering the essential spheres of interstate relations.

Political Aspects of the Joint Russian-Chinese Naval Exercise in the Black Sea

The join naval exercise that was held by the Russian and Chinese navies at the end of July has undoubtedly become one of the most important events in the modern international politics. Even though the scale of this exercise was significantly smaller that the one conducted by American-Japanese-Indian navies, known as the Malabar, that was held at the same time in the Bay of Bengal.

Momentous Maneuvers around Integration Projects

The fundamental reformatting of the global political map that has recently begun has been prompted by the refusal of the US to participate in two fundamental projects that the former American administration viewed as potentially being the basis of the vision for the future world order. More precisely, the political forces to which it was the spokesman of interests.

North Korea: Origins of the Present Crisis and a Possible Solution

North Korea recently successfully tested an ICBM capable of reaching Alaska, possibly the northwestern United States, and northern Australia. This has sparkled immediate reactions, ranging from direct threats of unilateral military action (US) to demands that China should “do more” to rein in its unruly neighbour (Australia).