DuWayne Gregory

Paul Ryan, Self-Proclaimed Champion Of The White Working Class, Declares War On Overtime Pay Expansion

Hispanic voters, fearful of what a Trump presidency could do to their families and communities, are registering to vote at unprecedented rates. Some Republican operatives and stategists think they can overcome that by selling themselves as the party looking out for the interests of the white working class. Well, there's an element of truth in that-- if you're talking about the segment of the white working class that puts a premium on KKK membership and rabid xenophobia. In terms of policies that actually impact the working class... not so much.

Is America Really Ready For A Con Artist As President-- One As Blatant As Trump?

It's not like all of his Republican rivals haven't mentioned over the course of the primary campaign that Trump is a con man. They did. But now, whether tribally or opportunistically, most of them want to force that con man onto the country. Is it hard for you to imagine that the majority of Republican political leaders would put their party first and the country last?

My Fabulous, Wonderful Adventure At Stony Brook This Week

This was a pretty special week for me. My doctor gave me permission to fly for the first time since my stem cell transplant left me without an immune system. I've spent the last 6 months gets immunized for everything from whooping cough and diptheria to polio and dozens of strains of influenza. But she told me I can start going to concerts again and even go on planes-- crowded places where germs are known to lurk.

Peter King Vows To Support Trump-- Time To Vow To Remove King From Office

Peter King should retireDuWayne Gregory is the presiding officer of the Suffolk County legislature. In 2010, New York redistricting moved Peter King's Nassau County district significantly east into Suffolk County, and a significantly bluer part of Suffolk County at that. King is a longtime political ally of Steve Israel and the DCCC has never challenged King and has discouraged local Democrats who have.

Why Primaries Are Just As Important As General Elections-- Sometimes More So

The SisterGiant/Blue America Progressive Candidates Forum video above features interviews by Marianne Williamson with Alan Grayson (D-FL), DuWayne Gregory (D-NY) and Alex Law (D-NJ). DuWayne is already the official Democratic Party candidate running for the Long Island seat held by Republican neocon Peter King. Grayson and Law, however, are in important primaries against conservative Democrats. Both of them are on Bernie's team and both of them challenging establishment bosses' picks for the offices they seek.

How Important Is Disavowing Herr Trumpf

Pete'n'Fred-- Trumpf enablersAs funny as it sounds to Democrats that Mitch McConnell is encouraging vulnerable Republican senators to make ads to save their own necks by running ads against Trumpf during the general election, Democratic candidates for Republican-held House seats are already reminding voters that the incumbents are, at the minimum, implicitly backing Trumpf by refusing to distance themselves from him and his hateful, divisive, ant

Whatever Happened To Peter King's Presidential Run?

Fox News Sunday was unable to book anyone credible this past weekend so they got stuck with failed GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and Long Island neocon Peter King. King, as usual, was all about drumming up fear and panic in the hopes that his party will frighten enough people so that Republicans on Long Island can buck history and win races next November. King, as always, is eager to authorize domestic spying, particularly of mosques.