Dunkin Donuts

U.K. Group Shines Light on the Piles of Sugar in Popular Drinks

When I was a young adult, unmarried, living at home, and trying to balance life as a night owl with a day job that started before 9 a.m., I regularly dumped 2 full spoonfuls of sugar into my coffee at a time, and my mother would look at me in horror and gasp, “That’s too much!” And she was right.
But that ain’t nuthin‘ compared to the amount of sugar you get in a Starbucks specialty drink – which, once upon a time, was a regular “treat” for me. 

Activists Push Dunkin’ Donuts to Drop Controversial Ingredient

With so many food providers/makers being pressured to make healthy product changes, it is becoming clear that 2015 is going to be the year for food reform. In one of the most recent food chain announcements, Dunkin’ Donuts says that it will soon remove a controversial ingredient from its doughnuts known as titanium dioxide.