Drug Addiction

Ancient Medicine: Black Seed Oil’s 21 Powerful Health Benefits

Also known as cumin or caraway seed, black seed (Nigella sativa) has been used for over 2000 years and is viewed as a healing wonder, with research suggesting that it could be helpful in fighting illnesses of all kinds. Over 600 peer-reviewed studies prove that this amazing little seed has more than 20 ‘pharmacological actions‘ on the body when taken in food or as a supplement. Yes, black seed oil benefits are plentiful, and you will learn about them here.

Police Dept. Calls Out Big Pharma, Helps Drug Addicts Instead of Jailing

The ‘drug war’ has been raging in America for decades, costing taxpayers millions, with no real change in the number of people addicted to drugs. We have, in fact, an entire generation of ‘legal’ drug addicts. But there is hope for meaningful change in this world of drug addicts and incarcerations – in Gloucester, MA.

SUBOXONE: The Psych Drug Behind The Charleston Church Shooting?

On February 28, Roof was arrested for drug possession at a mall in Columbia, where he was searched by officers after storekeepers complained that he was acting unusually and asking questions about opening hours and the number of staff on the premises. The Wall Street Journal reports a police incident document said Roof was found to have strips of Suboxone, a pain drug sometimes used to treat opiate addiction. He did not have a prescription for the drug, which is commonly sold illegally on the street.
(Source: The Daily Beast)

FLAKKA: A New Dangerous Synthetic Drug on the Rise

(Natural Society) A recent headline appeared as follows: New Synthetic Drug ‘Flakka’ Triggers Crazed Behaviors. According to public health and medical authorities, the “use of the chemical-cousin to ‘bath salts’ appears to be on the rise.” The extreme symptoms associated with the use of flakka are quite easy to spot, and therefore its overuse easy to recognize.