
Iran’s New “Suicidal” Bomb

Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, the Iranian army’s chief commander of ground forces, described today the new Iranian drone as a ‘mobile bomb.’ According to Iranian state media,  ‘Yasir’ is a flying bomb, designed to strike air, ground and naval targets.
AP photoI am delighted by the news and congratulate the Iranian engineers and military industry. Iranian advanced technology is needed in order to deter Israel from celebrating its genocidal inclinations.

Why the war on ISIS will fail

But it’s not just Turkey. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait have all been heavily implicated in the past - according to the CIA’s own classified assessments - in financing the most virulent extremist elements of the Islamist rebel groups in Syria. Yet they did this under a covert operations programme to destabilise the Assad regime that was coordinated primarily by the US and UK.
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Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: “America’s Illegal Drone Wars”

Peter B. Collins Presents Prof. Richard Falk
International law expert Richard Falk argues that armed drones are more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Sold to Americans as an efficient means of killing without risk to American lives, independent reports show that far more innocent people are killed than militant suspects. Falk offers his views on targeted assassination, and regards the drone killings of Americans like Anwar al-Awlaki as indictable offenses by President Obama. He also comments on the partial release of the Senate torture report.

Drones and Discrimination

On December 10, International Human Rights Day, federal Magistrate Matt Whitworth sentenced me to three months in prison for having crossed the line at a military base that wages drone warfare. The punishment for our attempt to speak on behalf of trapped and desperate people, abroad, will be an opportunity to speak with people trapped by prisons and impoverishment here in the U.S.

Redefining “Imminent”

Political language can be used, George Orwell said in 1946, “to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” In order to justify its global assassination program, the Obama administration has had to stretch words beyond their natural breaking points. For instance, any male 14 years or older found dead in a drone strike zone is a “combatant” unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving him innocent.