
No Warlords Need Apply

A second round of peace talks between Afghan government officials and Taliban representatives, expected to begin before the end of July, 2015, suggests that some parties to the fighting want to declare a cease fire.  But even in the short time since the first round on July 7th, fighting has intensified.  The Taliban, the Afghan government forces, various militias and the U.S. have ramped up attacks, across Afghanistan.

Kissing the Asses Good-bye

George Carlin said it best: “Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice…you don’t. You have owners. They own you. They own everything…” Of course, I’ve been aware of how the American political system works for quite some time now, but for a brief shining moment I was distracted. Overcome with hope. Hoodwinked by a young politician named Barack Obama. Hopeful that this erudite guy who talked the talk might just get away with walking the walk. Silly me. They own him too.

Those Who Pretend to Sleep

Lately I find that my frustration with the level of idiocy on the part of this planet I call home is so great that writing has become nearly impossible. A recent article by Andrew Vltchek titled “In the USA-I Cannot Write” gave me comfort. I’m not alone. Here in the belly of the beast, among the zombie-fascist, gun-totin’, flag-wavin’ hordes of fellow Americans I spend my days in fearless loathing. Fearless because after living for two-thirds of a century I have little to fear other than a long painful death, being shot full of lead, or a terminal case of disgust.

Gaza war anniversary: ‘Aggressive’ UK police arrest 8 at Israeli arms factory protest

RT | July 6, 2015 Staffordshire Police have been accused of making a “heavy-handed” intervention during a protest outside an Israeli arms factory organized to mark the anniversary of last year’s Gaza conflict. At least eight people were arrested Monday during the demonstration outside a factory in Shenstone, which is owned by a subsidiary of […]

The CIA Can’t Keep Its Drone Propaganda Straight

By Jameel Jaffer and Brett Max Kaufman | Just Security | June 20, 2015 This week, one government intelligence agency, after patiently and methodically tracking a terrorist leader for months through precise electronic surveillance, successfully targeted him for death by drone. Also this week, a government intelligence agency eliminated a terrorist leader through a drone […]

My Favorite Presidential Candidate

The candidate I’m voting for acknowledges that forgiving and forgetting U.S. war crimes has not worked. They continue to haunt and hamper us. Former administration officials who lied us into war in Afghanistan and Iraq must be brought to justice. We need to know who falsified the intelligence and why. Remember their catchy slogan: “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud”?
Hundreds of thousands have died and many innocents continue to suffer for this cynical deception.