
Obama’s Civilian Drone Death Count up to 500% Higher Than US Mass Shootings

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — Obama’s drones have ‘officially’ killed more innocent people than mass shooters — despite paranoia surrounding gun control and propaganda about unhinged loose cannons shooting civilians en masse. According to President Obama’s administration — in a years-in-the-making report — drones used in military combat overseas killed between 64 and 116 civilians between […]

LIONEL PODCAST: America – Conceived in Conspiracy, Born in Revolution, Brexit in Reverse

Mr. Vidal said it best. And as our beloved republic celebrates the 240th anniversary of this exquisite laboratory experiment in liberty and as Hillary Clinton emerges from a “voluntary” discussion with FBI agents as to her various server and email derring-do and as we contemplate November and the worst possible offering of candidates in the history of our motherland, let us remember Gore Vidal.


DON’T BECOME A HATER. Soldiers are encouraged to hate. You will be encouraged to: Hate soldiers in other regiments. Hate people in the Royal Air Force. Hate the Royal Navy. Hate civilians (that means your friends and family). Hate foreigners. This is all done to make you feel that you are in a special gang and that all of the people in your gang are special. This feeling will then be exploited to get you to carry out tasks you would never have done

Not Our Pain: The Wholesale Co-Optation of Orlando

In Regarding the Pain of Others (2003), Susan Sontag writes:

A painting or drawing is judged a fake when it turns out not to be by the artist to whom it had been attributed. A photograph—or a filmed document available on television or the internet—is judged a fake when it turns out to be deceiving the viewer about the scene it purports to depict.