How ‘unpresidential’ is Donald Trump?
How ‘unpresidential’ is Donald Trump?
by Ian Sinclair
Morning Star
2 February 2017
If there is one thing everyone agrees on when it comes to Donald Trump, it’s that he is simply not presidential material.
How ‘unpresidential’ is Donald Trump?
by Ian Sinclair
Morning Star
2 February 2017
If there is one thing everyone agrees on when it comes to Donald Trump, it’s that he is simply not presidential material.
As global protests continue against Donald Trump, what could be the nucleus of a promising new progressive movement, akin to Occupy, is being compromised by a faux liberal ‘resistance’. It’s been encouraging to see people act in a spirit of intuitive solidarity with Muslims in rejection of Trump’s discriminatory edicts. But, thanks to the liberal media’s veneration of Obama and […]
Former Ronald Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts continues to take aim at the Left. Why this time? Apparently Roberts supports Trump’s ban on Muslims (a ban on people from seven countries, all Muslim majority countries).
“The mindlessness is unbearable,” writes Roberts of the Left’s protesting the selective ban on refugees and migrants.
Roberts argues,
Snuff the rooster, bad bans and dummy missiles + this day in history w/Ghandi's assassination and our song of the day by Matt Pond PA on your Morning Monarchy for January 30, 2017.
The malady, common among political leaders who commit heartless crimes while craving popular adulation as heroes and misunderstood saints, is ‘Political Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy’ (PMSP). PMSP best explains the pathologic drive of politicians and policy makers who inflict relentless, systematic mass destruction and then intervene in a most theatrical manner to save a few victims – thus drawing gratitude from the victim […]
US planes have destroyed or damaged about 8,000 buildings.
Veterans For Peace UK has a membership with a wide range of political views. That is one reason why we don’t get involved in party politics. Another reason is that it doesn’t matter who gets elected, Labour, Conservative or a coalition government, the wars just keep coming. So if we don’t get involved in domestic party politics, it is a […]
The post PHONY ANTI-WAR PROTESTS appeared first on BSNEWS.
President Barack Obama, accompanied by, from left, Office of National Intelligence Director James Clapper, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry, walks away from the podium after speaking at the National Counterterrorism Center in McLean, Va.,Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
With the establishment of the period when the nation would celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, no one could have anticipated the possibility that one day that period would converge with the date when a “first black president” would be turning over executive power after serving two terms. But in just a few days Barack Hussein Obama will conclude an ironic but historic chapter in the ongoing story of this strange and dangerous place called the United States of America.
Ice station zebra, Cellebrite hacked and Obama's legacy + this day in history w/Eisenhower's warning and our song of the day by Nikki Lane on your Morning Monarchy for January 17, 2017.