
Stinging rebuke: Court rules against EPA’s lax approval of Dow’s bee-poisonous pesticide

RT | September 11, 2015 A federal appeals court in the US has rejected a decision by the Environmental Protection Agency to approve an insecticide harmful to honeybees without proper verification of the chemical’s effects. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled Thursday that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) improperly approved and […]

WHO About to Deliver Huge Blow to Companies Like Monsanto

When the World Health Organization recently declared that the herbicide ingredient glyphosate was ‘probably carcinogenic,’ numerous countries responded with bans, serious inquiries, and boycotts of Monsanto’s Roundup. Now, the WHO is now set to review another Big Ag chemical, 2,4-D, just three months after Monsanto was delivered news it couldn’t swallow. You can bet Big Ag is nervous.

These ‘Big 6′ Chemical Companies Now Make 50,000 Different Pesticides

At what point can we start calling pesticide makers the true pests that need to be eradicated? At this point the number of pesticides in the world is beyond alarming; it’s (literally) sickening.
In the UK, it has been estimated that enough pesticide is used to account for 420g for every woman, man, and child. In the US, the numbers are similar, if not even more extreme.

26 Organizations that Support GMO Labeling

You know all those biotech shills who still claim that there is no ‘science’ behind anti-GM claims? What if millions of members (PDF download) of the global medical community disagreed? There is no consensus on the safety of GMOs, though numerous organizations believe that they should be labeled at the very least.
As Environmental Sciences Europe explains:

After Cancer Link Confirmed, EPA Still Doubles Herbicide Use

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently approved a doubling in the use of Dow Chemical’s controversial new herbicide Enlist Duo.
A mix of glyphosate and 2,4 D, Enlist Duo received the green light for use in nine more key farming states. After major backlash and lawsuits, the new herbicide was limited to only six states during its initial approval in 2014.

New Study: GE Crops DON’T Increase Crop Yields

A new study published by the Environmental Working Group has revealed that biotech’s claims concerning higher crop yields are based on a bunch of hot air.
How’s this high-flying claim made by the Biotechnology Industry organization:

“Agricultural biotechnology continues to increase crop yield and farmer income worldwide while supporting the environment.”