Doug Applegate

Is It OK To Campaign For Congress On "Medicare-For-All?"

The other day I was talking with a first-time Democratic candidate who has a bit of a reputation as a centrist, although he insist-- at least to me-- that he's a progressive. I'm not persuaded. He says he's kind of, sort of good with Medicare-For-All but there's no way he'd say he's going to co-sponsor John Conyers Medicare-For-All bill.

You Can't Say Trump Brought Back A Know Nothing Ethos-- Since It's Never Really Gone Away

Jews voted overwhelmingly for Hillary against Trump last year, but immigrant Jews, especially from Russia, voted for Trump. Emma Lazarus was born in 1849 to a family of Jewish immigrants from Germany, although she is known for her writings about Russian Jewish immigrants who fled the pogroms that followed the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881.

Happy July 4th! Will 2018 Mark The End Of Darrell Issa's Political Career?

CA-49 is a district that includes the northern part of San Diego County and the southern part of Orange County. It stretches from the UC San Diego campus, through Del Mar, Solana Beach, Rancho Santa Fe, Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside and Camp Pendleton and up through San Clemente to Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano and Ladera Ranch. It's a traditionally Republican district, although Obama narrowly beat McCain 50-49%. Romney won it 4 years after, 52-46% and last year the voters were repulsed by Trump and gave Hillary the win, 50.7% to 43.2%.

The Two Parties' Internal Civil Wars

Here at DWT, we spend a lot of time fretting about the future of a very divided Democratic Party, in which grassroots progressives are fighting to prevent the party from wandering off in the same old disastrous neoliberal direction its elites insist on in return for the financing they provide to bolster the careers of the elected officials who dominate the party's decision-making process. But not today.

Over A Quarter Billion Dollars In Wasted Wall Street Bribes Last Year Alone, As GOP Agenda Goes Up In Smoke

Tom Cole (R-OK): "I won’t defend anyone who obstructs justice. Time for Comey to appear before Congress.”Late this afternoon, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein could no longer dither and finally announced that he had appointed former FBI director Robert Mueller to serve as a special counsel to oversee the ever-widening Putin-Gate scandal.